The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97625   Message #1923917
Posted By: johnadams
01-Jan-07 - 09:02 AM
Thread Name: Who is/ are the EFDSS?
Subject: RE: efdss,what does it mean
Sorry, Captain but I'm going to have to correct you again. I don't work for the Society, at least not in the employed sense. I am an unpaid volunteer director.

Also, I am presently engaged in designing and managing yet another important new web site for the Society so please forgive me if it seems that I haven't the time (or the inclination) to react in detail every time you take it into your head to start yet another thread about the Society. It's just that I don't have the time and the inclin.......

Apart from that, Derek S replied to your question in another thread.......