The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97670   Message #1924064
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
01-Jan-07 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fictitious Birdwatching Challenge 2007
Subject: BS: Fictitious Birdwatching Challenge 2007
The object of this challenge is to invent, identify, and observe as many species of fictitious or imaginary birds as possible during the year. You may observe them at any time, in any location, under any circumstances. In fact, the circumstances can be just as fictitious as the birds themselves It is not necessary to cite the exact location or circumstance of the sighting, but it may make for more fun.

So far this year I have seen:

Rednecked Peckerwood - Seen along the side of the Highway 178 leaning on a 2004 Ford F-150 pickup truck (with dogbox), armed with Winchester 30-06, presumably waiting for deer to cross road. Easily identifiable by camouflage apparel (with exception of baseball cap emblazoned with Confederate battle flag) and large wad of chewing tobacco in left cheek.

Bleachy-blonde Motormouth - Observed stopped at green traffic signal, talking on cellular phone, oblivious to surroundings, including presence of other motorists loudly sounding horns in vain attempts to get Motormouth to move through intersection before signal turns red again.

That's all I've seen so far this year, but I'm anxiously looking forward to sightings of other intriguing varieties like the Common Drunk, the Cumbersome Bore and, maybe, an Addlebrained Nitwit or two.