The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19061   Message #192422
Posted By: Homeless
09-Mar-00 - 09:10 AM
Thread Name: Help: Tips on playing for a Contra dance
Subject: Tips on playing for a Contra dance
Are there any musicians out there who have played for contra dances and can give me some background info on what I'd need to know to play?

There is a local contra dance group who is always looking for bands. I've got a fella who is a beginning/intermediate fiddler, a guy that plays tin whistle, and I can cover either guitar or banjo. None of us have ever played in front of a mic. All of the local experienced musicians "have better things to do" than tutor the lot of us (or even any of us individually).

I know we need around 20 tunes. I know we'll have to play the same tune for up to 15 minutes at a stretch. I know we have to keep a constant tempo throughout the entire song. What other things are important to know when playing for a dance?