The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97623   Message #1924595
Posted By: JennyO
02-Jan-07 - 03:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Posting with Civility
Subject: RE: BS: Posting with Civility
Slag, I lost a long post I had composed not long ago, but in my case it was my computer crashing. However I have noticed little glitches on Mudcat a few times, and lost some that way. I think it would pay for us to not get too paranoid, and continue to put it down to the glitches. Also it would be worth bearing in mind that there are some anonymous ones here who take delight in stirring up discontent, and they would like nothing better than for us to get more paranoid.

I for one would like to hear your view on Christmas. I'm not a Christian myself, but like most of us here, I am very tolerant and happy to welcome all points of view. So if you would like to try and rewrite it, I'm sure it would be fine. There are a lot of lovely people here - don't let the few nasties give us all a bad name.

By the way, I thought your post on the "My spouse has left....." thread was very wise and helpful. I hope she listens and does take some action soon.