The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97680   Message #1924636
Posted By: eddie1
02-Jan-07 - 07:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: my Spouse has left with our son!
Subject: RE: BS: my Spouse has left with our son!
Hi Anonymous Member.

My thoughts are with you.
IMHO, so far, you have been offered a lot of good advice, some not so good and some totally unhelpful. From experience in working with women in a similar situation to yourself, I would agree with the suggestion of getting in touch with a Women's Centre. You need someone in realspace who will offer unconditional support and give you the chance to sit back and take a breath. They will no doubt suggest an appropriate legal contact. Whatever you want/hope for the future it's not too early to look at that kind of help.
I would also suggest that now, while everything is still fresh in your memory, you try to write everything down with times, dates etc. Be as objective and factual as you can. This info can/could be very important in the future when it can be very difficult to remember what happened when.
The BIG thing to bear in mind is, this guy has a problem, not you. You are not his nurse and from what you say, you have made all the allowances one can reasonably be expected to make.
Good Luck and may your god bless you.
