The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97680   Message #1925016
Posted By: Slag
02-Jan-07 - 04:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: my Spouse has left with our son!
Subject: RE: BS: my Spouse has left with our son!
Sometimes drama is real and cannot be helped or avoided.

And please: To those of you who have well-meningly posted with suggestions of how to "fix" the problem, please stop. That is only a cosmetic solution. If you only treat the symptoms, the disease still remains,

I have much experience in this area. Trust me. Get to the shelter. Talk with those who know and who have been through this. Don't delay one minute.

Yes the boy is related to the father. The more serious issue of ending the abuse comes first. Courts or counsellors will determine later what the father's relationship will be like. There could even be a chance that the marriage could be saved PROVIDED THAT THE FATHER ACKNOWLEDGES HIS PROBLEM AND ACTIVELY AND WILLINGLY SEEKS PROFESSIONAL HELP!

Again, I urge you, DO NOT DELAY. Do this now.