The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97680   Message #1925093
Posted By: Bobert
02-Jan-07 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: my Spouse has left with our son!
Subject: RE: BS: my Spouse has left with our son!
I really can't add or subtract anything fro what others have allready offered interms of the law, both criminal and civil, but...

...from the description of your home, I'd say that one or both of you need some serious help.. . And it sounds more like hubby to me... There are hording laws in some states where folks who fell compelled to keep every danged magazine, newspaper and grocery list they ever had and pile them up in big piles around the home with only paths to connect rooms... From what you have said, you have been willing to live with such a person as long as he didn't abuse you... In my thinking, the hording in itself is abuse... Folks, especially those with severe mental problems or personality disorders, can't possibly feel better about themselves in such clutter so... is one piece of advice I can offer... While the more critical situation plays out, use your time box up all the crap and write with a magic marker on the box approximately what is in each box... Then take one roon in your house and pile all the boxes in it and straighten up the rest of the house to suit your tastes...

Okay, so hubby comes home and says, "Awww, shucks, Billy Jean, I was just havin' a bad day and blah, blah, blah and I want to come home."

Then you say: "Okay, Pal, first of all you need to get a recertification from the anger amnagement folks and, BTW, see this house??? Should you complete the anger management piece this is the way ***our*** house is going to look from here out!!! Get it ??? Now go talk with the anger management folks and keep me posted..."

My thinking is that given that hubby has decided to move out for a wahile that gives you some leverage you may of maynot have aver had...

Good luck and play smart...
