The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97637   Message #1925115
Posted By: Scrump
02-Jan-07 - 05:53 PM
Thread Name: Is Luke Kelly Out Of Key Here ?
Subject: RE: Is Luke Kelly Out Of Key Here ? Barney video
Thanks for the link to that great Barney McKenna video - he was the inspiration that got me started on banjo myself many years ago.

One thing that interested me: unless I'm mistaken, Barney didn't seem to use the little finger on his left hand at all, which surprised me (or did he, and I missed it?)

I do use my little finger, although not as much as I think I should do - but after seeing Barney in that video I wonder if it matters?

Any comments from banjoists? Should you use the little finger, and if not, why not?