The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29836   Message #1925229
Posted By: GUEST,DonMeixner
02-Jan-07 - 08:00 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Home from the Sea (Phil Coulter)
Subject: Chords: HOME FROM THE SEA (Coulter, Hendrickson)
I play this on a banjo. So here I sit with my sons Stratocaster and no amp working out these chords.

Hope they are close.


(G7)On a co(C)ld winters night

With a storm at its height

The life(F)boat answered the ca(C)ll.

They pit(G)ched and they tos(C)sed

Till we thought they were lo(AM)st

As we wat(D7)ched from the harbor wa(G)ll.

Though the ni(C)ght was pitch black,

There was no turning back,

For some(F)one was waiting out the(E7)re,

But ea(F)ch volunteer

Had to li(C)ve with his fe(Am)ar

As they jo(D7)ined in a silent pra(G)yer.

CHORUS: Carry Us Ho(C)me

Home, ho(F)me from the se(C)a

An(F)gels of me(C)rcy, ans(F)wer our pl(G)ea

And carry us ho(C)me, home, ho(F)me from the s(C)ea

Car(F)ry us saf(C)ely hoG7)me from the se(C)a.