The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19061   Message #192535
Posted By: Ebbie
09-Mar-00 - 12:53 PM
Thread Name: Help: Tips on playing for a Contra dance
Subject: RE: Help: Tips on playing for a Contra dance
If you're playing Late for the Dance, you're doing pretty well. Its rhythm is not an easy one, IMHO. Note-y tunes are harder to bring to speed. The standards -possibly regional- for beginning bands are probably tunes like Soldiers Joy, Old French, St. Annes Reel, La Bastringue, Liberty, Robertsons Reel, there are lots more but my mind's gone blank. For Irish/Scottish tunes, Flowers of Edinburgh, Colored Aristocracy, Come Dance and Sing, are all popular. Kesh Jig, Off She Goes, Cowboy Jig- are all easy jigs.

Traditionally, two waltzes are played- signalling the break and again at the end. In addition we played a half hour of waltzes before the contradance itself began. As you know, there are many beautiful waltzes.

As for resting in the 20 minute break, keep in mind that the adrenalin is pumping. On a good night,you'll be straining toward the beginning of the next set.

This has gotten too long. I'll break it now and continue.