The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97623   Message #1925701
Posted By: Bernard
03-Jan-07 - 12:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Posting with Civility
Subject: RE: BS: Posting with Civility
Quite so.

When a poster, whether a guest or a member, is not respected the views of other posters, it can be difficult not to rise to the bait.

A 'put down' I often use with particularly difficult hecklers on gigs is to fix them with a meaningful look, explain to the audience that such people are baiters, and that this particular baiter is a master at it...

Almost invariably the 'baiter' is the last person to get the joke.

Whilst this is somewhat cruel, the person in question is usually doing their best to spoil the enjoyment of the rest of the audience - who have usually paid to see the performance.

In such situations 'walking away' is not an option - but there is, of course, the option of asking the management to deal with it.

A heckler's taunts (not unlike a flamer) are made with the express intention of coming out on top - the bravado of looking good in front of everyone else.

Maybe there is a parallel here - someone who is trying to discuss a genuine (or even flippant) topic may find the heckler/flamer is challenging their dominance. It then becomes a battle of wits (maybe I'm only half right?!) until one or the other becomes abusive or backs down.

In some instances neither party is in the wrong - it's a difference of opinion... is the glass half full, or half empty?