The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97740   Message #1926553
Posted By: Mr Red
04-Jan-07 - 12:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: One identity per thread?
Subject: RE: BS: One identity per thread?
People with concern for the message would do that anyway.
The real problem is those with opinions chosen to rankle with anyone who rankles easily. And they chose not to identify themselves - even for a short time.

If an automated system with cookies or somesuch is being proposed: and with my understanding of how things work on the net it would not be without some cost in complexity and resources - which for an essentially free (to us) service is not good news.

As an engineer I would counsel - failure modes are far more numerous than the few intended modes of operation. And the propensity for those not party to all the peculiarities of such a system we would sure find those failure modes.