The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97752   Message #1926905
Posted By: Bobert
04-Jan-07 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: The Bill of Rights of the United States
Subject: RE: The Bill of Rights of the United States
The Bill of Rights, whilst soundin' all good and user friendly, have been interprested and reinterprted into a state of meaninglessness...

Yeah, anything can be justified... Takin' innocent people and locking them up forever without charges is okay...

Confiscatin' assests of people chareged with certain crimes is okay...

Kids foing to school with weapons so powerfull that these weapons would scare the heck out of the Founding Fathers is okay...

Yeah, the Bill of Rights were the Founding Fathers attemmpt to keep future egenartions from running amuck but...

... we have run amuck inspite of their attempts...

Our government no longer looks like anything that the Founding Fathers would approve of...

Tom Jefferson was all for an informed electorate but we have people who think that Walmart is one of the 3 branches of government and worse yet, thse people are allowed to vote???

Had the Founding Fathers forseen the situation that we find ourselves in they most certainly would have had an 11 Amendment to go with the Bill of Rights that would have required that folks who vote aren't friggin morons who don't know jack about jack...

Yeah, that was the one they left out and in doing so they left the first 10 subject to being seriously messed up...
