The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97752   Message #1927030
Posted By: Little Hawk
05-Jan-07 - 12:07 AM
Thread Name: The Bill of Rights of the United States
Subject: RE: The Bill of Rights of the United States
Such a militia as is alluded to in the US Constitution was a totally normal thing in the 1770's in a society which was living on the edge of the frontier, where every family and community was under risk of being attacked by an Indian tribe that was upset about whites muscling in on and robbing their ancestral lands. That was the reality of the day, and it went on for some time afterward. The necessity for guns was universal at that time under those frontier circumstances, and pretty well everyone had them and was used to using them for both hunting and self-defence.

That's why it is set up that way in the Constitution.

The situation now is totally different. The frontier has vanished. we have a highly technological, crowded, stressed-out, largely urban society of people who are not familiar with responsible handling of guns and who have no practical reason whatsoever to be using a gun as a way of acquiring food and protecting themselves in case of an Indian attack out of the forest! ;-)

So the Constitution as it exists has become archaic in regards to that section.

Nevertheless, it remains law in the USA, and that law is no doubt quite annoying to people in power now who would prefer not to have a public that can shoot back at the authorities if they see a pressing reason to. ;-)

Accordingly, I think you will see them gradually pass more and more restrictive laws which are unconstitutional, and they will bank on the fact that most people don't really know the Constitution very well, and wouldn't know what to do about it anyway. There will be noises made in the courts. There will be isolated violent incidents here and there which will reinforce the restrictive measures, and the process will go on inexorably, as far as I can see.

Meanwhile, the violent use of firearms will continue to be a hugely popular theme in movies and videogames! Ironical? Very. The USA is becoming a schizophrenic society in this respect. You can watch people get blown away, and that's cool. You can blow away thousands of people on your computer screen, and that's cool. Just don't make the mistake of getting lost in the fantasy and doing it for real...or the guys in the black suits will put an end to your imitative behaviour for good.