The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97728   Message #1927297
Posted By: SINSULL
05-Jan-07 - 09:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: The crack down
Subject: RE: BS: The crack down
I have stayed out of this mainly because Ch became a non-person to me about a year ago. I refuse to acknowledge his posts.

This was not always the case. Look back and you will see that he was invited to my Song Circles and offered the same bed and hot breakfast Seamus and Kendall and everyone else is offered.
Then he chose to become a Martin Gibson wannabe.

He failed at it mainly because when confronted with his obnoxious behavior he fell apart. I had enough when he wished cancer on Kendall.

Some of you know that I provide transportation and moral support and have been doing so for years. It has been very difficult. Kendall is my closest friend and I love him dearly.I never said much about how I was doing during his illness - I wasn't the patient. But when CH cursed Kendall with more cancer I literally broke down and cried.

I understand the effectiveness of prayer and I fear the power of a curse. If you would like to discuss this with me or ridicule the concept, please use PM.

When I had calmed down I chose to confront CH in the chat room and make my feelings clear. I did not want to give him the opportunity to come back with some brilliant retort like "You're an asshole and I don't care what you think. This is the internet.'

Some of you were in the chat room when I told him exactly what he was and why. First he told me it was none of my business. Then he lied and said he didn't know Kendall had cancer. (He had posted good wishes on Kendall threads). Then he turned to the group for help. Many of them were PMing me with encouragment.

My personal estimation of him is that he is an ineffectual little man who plays the foul mouthed bully and true to form whines when he is outed.

I wish Kendall had not gone for the bait but I also wish he had been kicked out of here sooner.

Mary, who never posts as GUEST
except once when I was teasing Kendall.