The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97728   Message #1927348
Posted By: Emma B
05-Jan-07 - 10:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: The crack down
Subject: RE: BS: The crack down
"Only two Prime Ministers since 1945 have radically changed the way we live in Britain: Clement Attlee and Margaret Thatcher. Of the two, Attlee's changes were possibly the more remarkable as he took Britain into uncharted territory.
Attlee's Government created the Welfare State we know today. It nationalised one fifth of Britain's economy and found the money from a war-devastated economy to build new schools and expand higher education.
Yet most people think that the man who achieved all this was a grey, uninspiring figure - passionless and uninteresting. In the words of Churchill he was a 'modest little man with plenty to be modest about'.
This biography shows us a new and unfamiliar Clem Attlee - neither modest nor with anything to be modest about - perhaps the most competent and professional Prime Minister Britain has had."

from a new biography - Churchill may have headed a war cabinet but Attlee truly won the peace!