The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19070   Message #192745
Posted By: GUEST,Okiemockbird
09-Mar-00 - 08:05 PM
Thread Name: How to obtain copyright permission?
Subject: RE: How to obtain copyright permission?
I should clarify that my doubts the fair owners' music policy where precisely that: doubts, not certainties or pre-judgements. If the managers truly want to lay down a "PD-only" music policy, I heartily approve. I wish more venue owners would have such policies (among other things, it creates a niche for folk performers). But it has to be sincerely meant and consistently maintained. If a venue owner claims to have a PD-only policy, but I get a signal, on listening between the lines, that he is saying (wink-wink, nudge-nudge) that he actually WANTS copyrighted music but is pushing onto the performers effort and expense that he should be seeing to, then my reaction is somewhat less hearty.
