The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97728   Message #1927494
Posted By: Bill D
05-Jan-07 - 01:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: The crack down
Subject: RE: BS: The crack down
"Of course, some of us remember when this was all fields, with just the little Xerox shed over there..."

Johnny-come-lately! I remember when there was only 5" floppies, hand delivered or snail-mailed by Dick Greenhaus.

....(for those who complain about 'management'....remember that this is all done by volunteers recruits from the members. Joe Offer was just an interested folkie when he appeared back in early '97. He was asked to help after it became obvious that some sort of control needed to be instituted.
   The early shenannigans of .gargoyle and 'The True Conscience of Mudcat' (look it up!) made Max seek help. There are obvious technical issues with being as free & open as possible to allow strangers to drop by and at the same time, controlling spam & hateful and obnoxious postings.

    No matter WHAT is done, it will be a compromise: "You can please some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time....but...."

Mudcat has done an amazing job so far, and when Jeff(Pene Azul) and Max say "it will get better", I am willing to bet it will.