The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97623   Message #1927793
Posted By: Slag
05-Jan-07 - 06:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Posting with Civility
Subject: RE: BS: Posting with Civility
Generally speaking folk singers and folks who like and listen to folk singers reflect discontinent over something, usually some seemingly immovable object or condition. That is as it should be. That's a very democratic thing and it embodies the freedoms that make The US, GB (do I need to name them all?) i.e. the free world, stand out. We tolerate dessent. We will give opprotunity to and listen to another point of view other than our own. We can debate. Where there is no dessent, there is only tyranny.

However, Mudcat is not the ENTIRE free world (or internet), nor should it try to be. It is a forum. It is a place for folks to discuss their art and their heart. It's a great forum and as I said before I marvel at the wide lattitude it affords members and visitors to express opinions on a wide range of topics. Obviously it cannot accomodate all things to all people. But no one is forced to stay. There are OTHER forums. If you are pugnacious you can go join the Champoionship Pride Fighters. Or the Kite Flyers of America for that matter. It's a free internet. Surely you must agree that there has to be limits of some kind, don't you?

I visisted the Dallas Museum of Art a couple of months ago and there were beautiful paintings hung on the walls. There were sculptures and other objects of art here and there, tastefully arranged. Some I didn't care for but, then, that's art! Nor did I stand gawking before the ones I did not esteem. I moved on. Then I came to the bathroom and there it was. All the postings of the malcontents and the clever verses of budding poets. Actually there weren't many. They wash it off, paint it over, you know---censor it! It was a value call by those who host the museum. They could have left it there and I'm sure they would have If they had felt it was something that the ignorant public should be informed about. John Q. should know not to "read these words of wit..." lest he eat something deleterious to his well being. So a decision was made.

This happens in every forum. Most understand and accept it. And then there are those who will continue to get their message out on bathroom stalls and tenement halls (apologies to Simon and Garfunkle but I've been told that this is a music forum and I don't allude to music enough). I know. That's not entirely fair. There should be, as stated in the opening paragraph, room for legitimate dessent but if it is the same thing over and over, that's just carping, whining. Move along. Grow your own. Look else where. Be evolutionarily adaptive.