The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #1928356
Posted By: Amos
06-Jan-07 - 12:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
"Bush speechwriter David Frum, who wrote a hagiography of Bush in 2003 called "The Right Man," sees the intellectual bankruptcy of proposing a line-item veto yet again. Said Frum on National Review magazine's Web site:

Never mind that the Supreme Court has found the line item veto unconstitutional.

Never mind that after six years of presidentially led overspending, it is a bit implausible for the president to try to present himself as the guardian of the public purse against rapacious congresspersons.

Consider only this: Republicans have been suggesting a federal line item veto as a talisman against big government since the middle 1980s. If twenty years later, the line item veto is the only domestic idea a Republican president has to offer — what more emphatic confession of mental exhaustion can an administration give? And if the administration confesses itself exhausted, why should not the Congress elbow it aside? Somebody has to govern after all. . . .

This president has always preferred to retire early for the night. I fear that the whole domestic policy staff seems now to be following the boss's example, settling in for bedtime two years ahead of schedule."

From a NY Times opinion piece.