The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3684   Message #19286
Posted By: chet w
15-Jan-98 - 10:02 PM
Thread Name: what if...?
Subject: RE: what if...?
Well, you know, I have turned down performing opportunities many times largely because they wanted to pay nothing or very little. At the same time, I have played very many times for free if it was for a charity or a good cause or it looked like it might be fun. There is a Dixieland band in Prague that I play with when I'm there, and I mever even expected to get paid. I did get paid for playing "Sittin' on top of the world" on a tv show there. Mostly I like playing with my friends in one of our respective homes, but if you want me for a private party, always the most boring jobs, it will cost a reasonable amount of money (unless you're friend or family. I didn't charge my sister for her wedding music a few weeks ago.) I see nothing wrong with playing for money, but if it's your only motivation, make sure it's a lot of money.There were times when the money I made from performing paid the rent, and I really am glad that it paid, over the years, for all of my instruments. I even have some songs that I get paid for once in a while; card-carrying member of BMI. I don't feel like a mercenary. I write and perform what I like.

Still pure, Chet W.