The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97781   Message #1928913
Posted By: Slag
07-Jan-07 - 01:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Proofreading tricks
Subject: RE: BS: Proofreading tricks

Steinbeck couldn't spell worth a damn and he knew it and he always tried to get someone else to proof his work if he could.

David O, I 've always wondered when someone has the court reporter read back some statement does that also get put into the record? Including the re-reading?

Wee Willie had a definite pattern to his patter. He could have been a preacher! But for a few little problems. He could surround an idea or a mood with a heard of words and corral the whole thing and then in addition to the lowing of the words themselves you would catch the distinct aroma of the stockyards although it was nowhere stated.

Did you like that? On the fly.