The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97623   Message #1929129
Posted By: Alba
07-Jan-07 - 10:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Posting with Civility
Subject: RE: BS: Posting with Civility
Guest we all have the choice to start up our own sites and run them in a way that suits our wishes.
Ownership has everything to do with it. Suggestions can be made to the Site's owner and Moderators... they may or may not wish to put them in place.
That is the way it is.
We all can spin this whatever way we want isn't "ours". Never has been and never will.
I see what you are trying to say but it doesn't change my opinion.
This IS Max's site, like it or not.
again. Respectfully

Yes Katlaughing I see your point too. It is a Sad and at times worrying point and I have experienced what you say first hand and watch the wolves at work on this site daily. It may be "The Mudcat" but it is also "The Internet".