The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97623   Message #1929147
Posted By: GUEST
07-Jan-07 - 10:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Posting with Civility
Subject: RE: BS: Posting with Civility
I do respect your point of view, Alba. It is true, the owners and moderators cannot be forced to run the forum fairly and democratically.

I'm not trying to spin. Just be part of the conversation for awhile.

But surely you understand why so many posters to this forum become frustrated with the arbitrary way "justice" is meted out here. And that some, who feel it more important to stand by their principles than acquiese to management out of fear of being banned for criticizing, aren't the true problem here?

People naturally wish to see things run democratically and fairly. Most of us put up with less than perfect management in our day jobs. This is a leisure site. So when managment gets heavy handed here, it will take a toll. Why put up with petty dictators and control freaks in your leisure time?

For the most part, over the years one has been able to ignore management here. But because of management's increasing intervention in threads and refereeing interpersonal relationships between adults, their jackboot prints are getting pretty hard to miss.

It has been happening subtly, and over time. But it is happening. And when as many posters as are complaining now become unhappy, it is probably time to rethink the strategy and consider a change.

For some, because of Max's and his management teams' obstinacy about suggestions to make changes to the administration of the forum, the best answer for them is to just leave.

At this point, the forum has been here long enough that reasonable people understand the need for shaking things up, making improvements, and having sincere desires for change in leadership.

Mudcat is no different than any other group of human beings. When it gets stale, old, and contentious, it's time to make changes.