The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19015   Message #192928
Posted By: GUEST,Sam
10-Mar-00 - 02:16 AM
Thread Name: Come All Ye Bold Norwegians....
Subject: RE: Come All Ye Bold Norwegians....
Hi ye Bold Norsk,

I have a whisky bottle (empty) sitting in Norway - stolen by the NRK TV "Gringos" two years ago (ie Petter Nome et al)...;^)

Despite their promises, it never arrived home in New Zealand at the start of this millenium. See:

Somehow, I feel you may be the people I need to set that bottle on it's homeward journey. In fact, could probably give the bottle the journey of it's lifem - one I would love to do.

In the meantime, any of you Norski-Celti, who care to check the above website, and like the idea, please get back to me by e-mail - I'm

I'll be away from home for the next week, being the "Fluid Druid" at a Celtic festival on the mainland.

Sorry for being "off-topic"

Slainte - Sam