The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97752   Message #1929869
Posted By: GUEST
07-Jan-07 - 11:07 PM
Thread Name: The Bill of Rights of the United States
Subject: RE: The Bill of Rights of the United States
Yes, very ironic, Little Hawk.

This is one of the most twisted laws ever foisted on America. From what I've read, you can't sell Nazi memorabilia in Europe now, and Brigette Bardot has been convicted 3X for saying it's a shame no one goes to the beautiful old Christian churches in France anymore. (Can't hurt the Jews' feelings, can't offend the Muslims).

That kind of legal abuse may be fine in other countries that never had a Bill of Rights like the one in the U.S., but this is America dammit. And Amendment # 1 is the cornerstone of American freedom...the right to keep govt honest through criticism. And this crap the Democrats are going to present is absolutely anti-American. Anti- Bill of Rights. In fact, the legislation itself is hate speech. It hates the First Amendment so much it proposes to muzzle it.

In the next couple of weeks America will probably be treated to sob stories about how badly so and so's feelings were hurt because of "hate crimes," so we need a new law to make everyone get along better. But it's all BS, people. They're trying to criminalize thought. Don't fall for it. ALL of our feelings are CONSTANTLY being hurt one way or another...legislation won't make that go away. In fact, it'll only make it worse if some turd has the power to selectively charge you with thought crimes.

Yeah, Little Hawk, I thought that was amusingly ironic. What a world.