The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97623   Message #1929876
Posted By: Rowan
07-Jan-07 - 11:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Posting with Civility
Subject: ADD: It's On (Don Henderson)
Good try Azzizi! For a while there, even the recognised characters were uncommonly civil. Should be more of it!

And I think McGrath is closer to the mark than he realised, even though he had the song in mind rather than the near chaos of the book.

But he did remind me of Don Henderson's song "It's on!" which my faulty memory has as follows;.

A sad story you'll here if you listen to me
about two men who could never agree.
What one called white
the other called black;
they'd argue a while, then step out the back

And it's on!
All reason and logic are gone!
Winning a fight won't prove that you're right.
It's sad but it's true,
and it's on!

They'd been fighting so long that could neither recall
what in the first place had had started it all
But they'd still keep on fighting
both day in and day out;
they were fighting to see what they were fighting about!

Now just you imagine if lessons in schools
came to be taught us by Queensbury's rules.
It could easily be argued
that the square root of four
was 15 less 3, plus a smack in the jaw!

And while governments think that it makes better sense
to save on education and spend on defence
it could easily be argued
that on the same grounds
elections should be the best of ten rounds!

Cheers, Rowan