The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95868   Message #1929963
Posted By: Slag
08-Jan-07 - 04:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Astronomy Question
Subject: RE: BS: Astronomy Question
With regards to the original question: Zogg's rock formation resembles a T-Rex which raises some very red flags concerning evolutionary sequence but for argument's sake I'll go with it. To be recognizable as a large carnivorous sauropod, Zogg's scale would have to be around 1 degree. The Sun consistantly appears 1/2 degree as seen from Earth. This makes for quite a bit of slop in his observation so while the Sun may only PRECISELY "rise" in the same spot every 365.256 days it would appear to Zogg to rise in the same spot twice a year. The closer to the solstice positions the sooner this would occur. If the alignment were at the equinox postions then the occurence would be one half year apart (182.63 days).