The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97781   Message #1930680
Posted By: Rowan
08-Jan-07 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Proofreading tricks
Subject: RE: BS: Proofreading tricks
Ah, Slag, you've hit on one of my little jokes with Australian swimmers. In the (very) distant past, a "Freestyle" event in swimming competition meant that you could use any stroke; there was debate about whether butterfly or backstroke was the faster and "Freestyle" meant specialists in either could compete with each other in the one event.

Then along came a guy from Papua New Guinea (or thereabouts) early in the 20th Century to compete in Australian events; he used an overarm stroke that was unbeatable. It was quickly taken up by Australians and dubbed "the Australian crawl." Once the Australians used it in international competition nobody ever again bothered with backstroke or butterfly in "Freestyle" events. Versions of it abound but these days "freestyle" really is "the Australian crawl" but very few modern swimmers know it.

Thanks for the excuse.

Cheers, Rowan