The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97554   Message #1931128
Posted By: Captain Ginger
09-Jan-07 - 02:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Name the Author
Subject: RE: BS: Name the Author
It would indeed be commodious, as hinted at by Cluin above. And the circularity is apparent in that the last line of the Wake runs seemlessly into the first, as Anna Livia dies and is carried out to sea to become, again, her source in an endless cycle of birth and death: ...A way a lone a last a loved a long the riverrun, past Eve and Adam...
Interestingly Joyce was a fine singer with a much-admired tenor voice, and much of his work sits easier on the ear than on the eye; for me the Wake is a book that is best read aloud to appreciate its rollicking musicality, with the abstruse literary puns and allusions left to be picked over after the meal, as it were.
The same applies to many passages in Ulysses, and to some in Dubliners and Portrait - he was clearly a man with a marvellous ear for words. Populists claim that Shakespeare, were he living today, would be writing scripts for soap operas (which, incidentally, is arrant nonsense), but I like to think JJ would make a darned sight finer lyricist than many contemporary snigger snogwriters.
But enough - it's time for breakfast.