The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97860   Message #1931132
Posted By: Captain Ginger
09-Jan-07 - 03:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fred Phelps & 'God hates fags' organisation
Subject: RE: BS: Fred Phelps & 'God hates fags' organisation
Christian homophobia is bubbling away in the UK at the moment, with protests today at proposals to outlaw discrimination against gay people.
The proposals were implemented in Northern Ireland at the start of the year (where such measures can be imposed because the orange lads can't seem to accept the green lads and therefore no-one gets to host the tea party) but will not be brought into action on the mainland until April, following debate at Westminster. Today a wee protestant fellow in the House of Lords has tabled a 'prayer' to protest at the embrace of sodomites, while outside the House evangelical christians are to be joined by orthodox jews and muslims in a torchlight protest.
Funny how torchlight protests so often seem to be connected with spreading darkness and preventing light!