The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97860   Message #1931466
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
09-Jan-07 - 11:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fred Phelps & 'God hates fags' organisation
Subject: RE: BS: Fred Phelps & 'God hates fags' organisation
Art started the point I had in mind to mention--Phelps is from Oklahoma, I think (the Wiki page was taking too long to load, but we hear about Phelps here in Texas because of the proximity), and torments folks in surrounding states. There are laws passed now that keep he (and others of his ilk, but I believe his is pretty much alone in this level of ilkiness) a set distance away from funerals.

The Bible is full of fairly neutral references to homosexuality, as it happens. I'm not going to cite chapter and verse because I haven't read it closely, but there are a number of biblical scholars who can and do. Check out the subject matter for the NPR programs The Diane Rehm Show and/or Fresh Air. I know I've heard these discussions within the last year or so. The trouble is that the Bible is an anthology meant for didactic purposes--i.e., "what would YOU do differently in this instance?" When some of these folks take it literally the problems ensue, especially when they are so selective in their reading of the book. I think one of the more recent books is a Jewish scholar taking on the misreadings of the Bible. Pretty interesting stuff!