The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97884   Message #1931667
Posted By: Ebbie
09-Jan-07 - 03:27 PM
Thread Name: The Art Of Animals
Subject: RE: The Art Of Animals
Speaking of posing, do you remember a few months back (a year?) when the Smithsonian Magazine had an article featuring a photographer and his dog? The photog traveled all over Europe photographing cathedrals, fountains, markets, whatever. When he lined up a shot his dog would be given permission and he (the dog) would pose himself in a spot and in such a manner that set it off beautifully.

Our "pets" are more sentient than we have sometimes wanted to believe. I think they have always been- we're only starting to pay attention.

I saw a video of a dog with a new Frisbee. He chased it across the lawn and leaped to catch it. Then he laid it on the ground, turned around, defecated in it and walked away.