The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97797   Message #1931854
Posted By: Bill D
09-Jan-07 - 07:03 PM
Thread Name: Variable Whiskey
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
I keep the water to an absolute minimum...a few drops can help release the flavor, but I don't want any ice, nor do I want any drink of spirits half-strength.

Old joke:

Two Scotsmen are talking. Giok has been to visit Andrew, and is about to leave.

Andrew- "So, Giok, my friend....would ye tak a dram afore ye go?"

Giok- "Och..and I don't mind if I do!"

Andrew gets a glass, pours some Scotch, and then adds some water and hands it to Giok, who sips at it.....then sips again, with a quizzical look on his face.

Andrew says, with a touch of pique.."Now, Giok, the whisky- it's not to your liking?"

"Oh,'s fine....I was wondering though..."

"Wondering? wondering about what?"

"Weel...when you poured it, did you add the water or the whisky first?"

"Ah, were right saw me do it! And I always put the whisky in first."

"Oh...right, right...of course! I'll be comin' to it, then!"