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Thread #97874   Message #1932229
Posted By: Teribus
10-Jan-07 - 08:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: The statistics on Iraq... How many?
Subject: RE: BS: The statistics on Iraq... How many?
1) That in a nutshell is the topic under discussion the variance in the figures and what categories those figures comprise of. So glad that you've caught up.

2) Now that I don't know, maybe you should ask someone who was playing, or directing the game on behalf of your team, they after all killed almost 60% of the total, and certainly killed most of the civilians. Actually looking at the stats for those killed in that conflict over the 30 years we have:

British Security 362
Irish Security 5
Loyalist Paramilitary 1020
not known 80
Republican Paramilitary 2056
TOTAL 3523

Significant potential? Certainly, but all paramilitary groups in terms of internal security were as leaky as rusted collanders, so tip-offs and intelligence on forth-coming operations tended to be pretty good.

There were effective and efficient emergency services on hand - remember Bloody Friday "Ginge". What was Gerry Adam's and the PIRA's contribution to the protection of the population of Northern Ireland on that particular day. I recall it took the form of 22 bombs planted indiscriminately in the centre of Belfast, timed to go off between 14:09 and 15:30, spaced evenly that would be one explosion every 3 minutes 40 seconds, bombs placed in such a way that as the civilians were cleared from one threat they went towards the next bomb to be set off. In order to wrong-foot, confuse and over-extend the task of the already stretched emergency services in saving life, hoax bomb threats were called in. What was the final tally for the day "Ginge"? - 9 dead and 130 injured, so ultimately not too successful a day for the bomber - but it spoke volumes for the courage, dedication and professionalism of the Police, Security Forces and Emergency Services though.

Yes "Ginge" the potential within the PIRA for taking innocent life was there, certainly the will and intent within the PIRA for taking innocent civilian life was there, thankfully for the people of Northern Ireland at the time the Police, Security Forces and Emergency Services were more than up to the task.

Readers should note that throughout this period there is not one instance of any member of any paramilitary group operating in Northern Ireland ever sacrificing his/her life in order to save a single innocent bystander - unless of course you count the clowns who blew themselves making and transporting their own bombs.

Before anyone complains about thread drift I happen to answering a specific question.

3) Iraq most certainly was a sponsor of international terrorism during the reign of Saddam Hussein. His sponsorship of suicide bombers was extremely well documented.

With regard to United Nations Security Council Resolutions relating to Iraq you are very much mistaken:

Resolution 661 (1990) of 6 August 1990,
Resolution 678 (1990) of 29 November 1990,- WMD & WMD Programmes
Resolution 686 (1991) of 2 March 1991, - Hey "Ginge" - Abduction of 605 Kuwaiti Nationals
Resolution 687 (1991) of 3 April 1991, - Hey "Ginge" - International Terrorism - Safwan Conditions for "Ceasefire"
Resolution 688 (1991) of 5 April 1991, - Hey "Ginge" - repression and lack of humanitarian monitoring
Resolution 707 (1991) of 15 August 1991,
Resolution 715 (1991) of 11 October 1991,
Resolution 986 (1995) of 14 April 1995, - Hey "Ginge" - Oil For Food
Resolution 1284 (1999) of 17 December 1999,- Hey "Ginge" - Abduction of 605 Kuwaiti Nationals - all subsequently murdered by Saddam
Resolution 1382 (2001) of 29 November 2001

So other than 1441 all UN resolutions had to do with Oil for Food did they Ginge. Well there's the list Ginger, ould son, apart from 1441, 1382 and 1284 all other resolutions predate the Oil for Food Resolution which was 986 from 1995.

4) Germany/Iraq - No comparison at all Ginger. Sorry, no civil war in Iraq as yet "Ginge". What you do have is an insurrection that is rapidly running out of steam, instances of sectarian violence and criminal activity.

5) As far as I am aware neither Ahmadinejad in Iran, or Kim jong Il in North Korea have been threatened by anyone let alone attacked. Please prove otherwise- establish the fact. And I repeat my question:
What on earth have monthly fatality figures in Iraq to do with the justification for any supposed attack on Iran or North Korea?

Or are y' just blatherin'