The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97861   Message #1932321
Posted By: The Sandman
10-Jan-07 - 10:23 AM
Thread Name: Your other favorite music forums?
Subject: RE: Your other favorite music forums?
it would be easy to say, that other forums are as good as the people that participate on them ,but this is not quite true.
design of the forum is important,one very well designed forum is Jon Gindicks harmonica forum,there are video lessons for improvisation, video lessons on how to work with a metronome,[important for dance musicians].a beginners glossary,hamonica classroom with backing tapes,Tab convertor and theory room,and a repairing harmonicas section,this is in my opinion a well designed forum.
concertina net,has a very good repair and very good history section,a very good links section[information to other sites]a useful whats on section,but I think the teaching section,is inferior to Gindicks harmonica forum.[just a personal opinion],.
FOOTSTOMPING seems like a good forum,and it has one advantage,for people who wish to improve their playing technique[traditional style]in that Simon Thoumire is an excellent player and well qualified to advise people.