The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97874   Message #1932410
Posted By: Captain Ginger
10-Jan-07 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: The statistics on Iraq... How many?
Subject: RE: BS: The statistics on Iraq... How many?
Germany - a country ruled by a tyrant with dreams of megalomania and a record of massive persecution and repression, defeated militarily and occupied under an interim government until such time as it was deemed able to govern itself.
Iraq - er, ditto.

As for Northern Ireland, I don't dispute your figures for a moment, my love. I was expressing surprise at your view that 700 deaths a month from sectarian and internecine violence was acceptable, and asking if you would have accepted the same in Northern Ireland. Your cut and paste of the figures - depressing as they were - was in aid of what exactly?

As for the UN resolutions, how far back do you want to go? I went back as far as September 2001, which seems to have been when the US started jumping up and down about Iraq for some reason. If you want to go further back, does that mean you'd like to accept that Iraq was on the Republicans' 'to do' list before then? UNSC resolution details here if you need to refresh your memory, poppet.

And as for military action, either directly or by proxy, 'cannot rule out military action' is surely sabre-rattling. Oh, and have a read of this, or this or even this - from a bunch of limp-wristed know-nothing morons without your grasp of the issues admittedly, but still food for thought.

Shall we play on for two more sets and then end the game, Terry m'dear?