The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97797   Message #1932802
Posted By: GUEST,John Gray in Oz
10-Jan-07 - 09:02 PM
Thread Name: Variable Whiskey
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
Liz - I used a tactic with my 3 sons to help them from over indulging on the booze and doing something stupid. Not long after boys discover the joys of sex they are legal to drink. ( 18 in Oz )
Starting with the first bloke I advised that the last thing a woman wants is to have a drunk flopping all over her trying to have sex. Very degrading. Therefore they don't like going home from the pub / party with a drunk.
So, wait around, let all your mates get pissed, and its a monty there
will be a girl to go home with. ( Sex has always been preferable to booze )
When it worked for the oldest he wised up his 2 brothers. They're now 24 to 28 and social/moderate drinkers.
Then there's strategy. The strategy was that they didn't drink my bloody Scotch.