The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97874   Message #1932971
Posted By: Captain Ginger
11-Jan-07 - 02:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: The statistics on Iraq... How many?
Subject: RE: BS: The statistics on Iraq... How many?
PIRA apologist?
From where do you draw that inference? Here is not the place to discuss this, but that is be priceless coming from a lard-arsed armchair matelot who sat out his service careet in a prefab box in Pompey, and whose most direct experience of the paramilitaries was scratching his head over bikini codes and trying to remember to look under his car every morning.
Reread my post, you Saddam apologist. I inferred. As any sensible person would in the face of your verbiage. To repeat, for the hard of thinking: "All things considered, I would say that given the potential for taking life, 700 a month is very much on the low side of what it could be". I think the man on the Clapham omnibus would infer "acceptable". Your actual meaning?
And rather than make poiontless (no pun intended) Aquinean arguments over individual words, please stick to the argument. The death toll in Iraq is growing unacceptably and the situation is not submitting to control. Agreed?