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Thread #97874   Message #1933897
Posted By: Thomas the Rhymer
11-Jan-07 - 09:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: The statistics on Iraq... How many?
Subject: RE: BS: The statistics on Iraq... How many?
So... the confusion remains.

It doesn't help the situation in Iraq to exagerate the numbers in either direction... or to ad hominem the 'opposition' here at home. We need to know what is really going on in Iraq in order to make qualified policy decisions... because we are there. No objective is attainable... whether it be peace and/or domination... without verifiable facts and statistics.

We must know what is happening in Iraq. It's in the job description for 'citizens of a Democracy'... no matter what your political persuasion... to be informed. This holds true for the US media... but it is much more important for Iraq as a whole. Democracy can not and will not grow without popular belief in the governing principles that must sustain a government's integrity. It may very well be the case that democracy needs to be created and supported from 'below'... with engouragement and protection from above. However, it is doubtful whether Democacy can be 'imposed'... especially if the population as a whole is skeptical as to the intentions behind the occupation.

The most valuable assets to any democracy are accurate reporting, and verifiable sources. This is made all the more poignant by the Bush administration's insistance that Iraq must continue to be the 'keystone' of US foriegn policy... and perhaps... of his presidency.
As we channel enough money to have guarenteed all Americans complete health care for many years... into this it unreasonable to ask for obtainable goals and clear unbiased reporting? No.

Otherwise... it is all 'spin'... and consequentially, confusion that is probably being taken advantage of by someone...