The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97962   Message #1934285
Posted By: Scoville
12-Jan-07 - 09:32 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Deliberate imperfections
Subject: RE: Folklore: Deliberate imperfections
Including a deliberate imperfection in a quilt was not peculiar to the Amish. I don't know that anyone still does it since quilting has become so commercialized and competitive, but pretty much every quilter I've ever met knows about at least the *legend* of the deliberate imperfection, and a lot of older quilts have imperfections that may or may not have been deliberate, even if they are otherwise immaculately constructed. None of the quilters I know personally are Amish.

* * * * *

There are plenty of imperfections in my music but none of them are deliberate. Of course, none of my quilting imperfections were deliberate, either. Oh, well.