The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59276   Message #1934896
Posted By: Mooh
12-Jan-07 - 09:04 PM
Thread Name: Canadian-made Guitars - opinions please?
Subject: RE: Canadian-made Guitars - opinions please?
Bubblyrat...."I was talking to a VERY good luthier in Christchurch, England, who said he had had to repair quite a few as there was a build fault whereby some components inside the body were compression -fitted,not glued, and often worked loose."

No sir, they may be vacuum clamped and glued, but surely not compression fitted without glue. I've serviced dozens and NEVER seen such a thing in an S&P or any of its family members (Seagull, A&L, Norman, LaPatrie, Godin). Little would stay together for any length of time in a guitar without glue. Do you know specifically which parts he was referring to?

Fwiw...There's a cedar topped A&L folk for sale from me right now. Very good condition $200Cdn. It has been the student guitar in my studio for a year and a half, but I need to create space for other instruments.

Peace, Mooh.