The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78664   Message #1934965
Posted By: katlaughing
12-Jan-07 - 11:09 PM
Thread Name: kat and the apnea..did ye sleep? Buteyko in US!
Subject: RE: BS: kat and the apnea...did ye sleep? New Ques
I remember that story from somewhere, Sins!

Alice, thanks. I have the name of a dentist who does these. Will call him next week and see what he says.

Sandra, thank you! I am impressed by your endorsement of that technique, but I wonder about some of the recommendations. I will explore the links you gave before I try it. I have always done deep breathing exercises, esp. for meditation and gi gong. I also have been told I am a shallow breather, so what would that mean with the suggestion to try to breath less even through my nose? It seems I already do this? I'll go see if I can find some answers. Thanks, again!

Ebbie, my condolences on the loss of your friend. I don't think it has ever been that severe for me, but I will keep it in mind. It's weird, now, because Rog was often awakened when I would gasp for air, pre-surgery and I've been fine up until late Nov. He still doesn't hear me gulping for air like I used to, so we both really wonder about the whole thing.

Like Sandra, if I ever have another bona-fide overnight test done at a clinic, it will NOT be at the one I went to before. That fellah had no concept of what to do with long hair or what his goop did to it, as well as the close and warm room, just as Sandra experienced!

Thanks, ladies,
