The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97990   Message #1935050
Posted By: Strollin' Johnny
13-Jan-07 - 03:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: smoking in uk pubs
Subject: RE: BS: smoking in uk pubs
Yep, you just proved my point about selfish smokers, Partridge.

Now if all smokers piss off, I'll be able to go to the pub again and enjoy the atmosphere in comfort and warmth without ending up stinking like shit, with a throat like sandpaper, eyes like piss-holes in the snow and coughing like a broken down old mare for the next three days.

BTW - 'smoking areas' don't work, smoke has scant regard for non-physical boundaries. The proper place for a 'smoking area' is outside. If it's cold and uncomfortable, get over it, no-one forces you to practise your filthy habit. While you're freezing your balls off, it might be a good time to think about how much healthier you'd be, and warmer and drier, if you knocked it off.