The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78664   Message #1935136
Posted By: Helen
13-Jan-07 - 06:19 AM
Thread Name: kat and the apnea..did ye sleep? Buteyko in US!
Subject: RE: BS: kat and the apnea...did ye sleep? New Ques
kat & Sandra,

I did the Buteyko breathing course a year ago. My snoring has reduced considerably. I don't wake up with a dry throat any more, and I am not like a walking zombie during the day from lack of effective sleep. It's difficult to describe the Buteyko method and the way it works. In fact it helps to reduce overbreathing, i.e. breathing too deeply, but I wouldn't want to try to give you half the information. It's better to talk to the experts. The woman who ran my course is Debbie Meredith, a qualified pharmacist.

I have been a very heavy snorer since my late teens, and this is the first treatment which has made a significant difference to the condition. A few years ago I did buy a mouthguard type of device, but while I found it worked to a small extent, and it wasn't uncomfortable to use, I wasn't very comfortable sleeping with it and stopped using it.

Buteyko is the bees knees, in my opinion. It has changed my life. (I sound like a paid testimonial, don't I?)
