The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19024   Message #193561
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
11-Mar-00 - 06:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: I don't know what to say
Subject: RE: BS: I don't know what to say
You're free to say what you want here whether you're a GUEST or not.

As you say, there are hypocrites all over the place. But I think it's a fair enough word to use. Good enough for Jesus anyway - and he used it about people he saw as religious hypocrites.

But it's not a word to be thrown around lightly, just because you disagree with someone. It's an accusation that someone is betraying what they would claim to be their basic principles in the things they do or say. In my experience its more readily used about politicians than anyone else - for example, Labour Prime Ministers who go on trips to shake hands with murderers like Putin in Moscow, for example, and still talk about having "an ethical foreign policy".

The whole abortion debate seems to be deep in what I'd call hypocrisy, on both sides, alongside honest people who aren't hypocrites, but who hold very different views. I think both labels, "pro-life" and "pro-choice" are pretty shaky ones - both invite the accusation of hypocrisy.

I can see that it is possible for people who are opposed to abortion to believe in Capital Punishment, and vice-versa - though I cannot begin to understand how. But I cannot see how it is possible for someone to accept the right of the state to kill people, and yet describe themself as "pro-life".

And I cannot see how it is possible for someone who is opposed to abortion to favour laws that make it harder for lone mothers to bring up their children.

Again, I can understand the case which people make in support of mothers having the right to decide that their child should be aborted, though I cannot agree with it. But I cannot see how a position that excludes any rights to the unborn child can validly be described as "pro-choice."

(I really hadn't meant to raise this divisive subject here - but something I said had accidentally caused a misunderstand of my position, and you have to clarify things when that happens.)