The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97917   Message #1935926
Posted By: punkfolkrocker
14-Jan-07 - 01:06 AM
Thread Name: Review: Bubblegum music
Subject: RE: Review: Bubblegum music
well then.. as drunk as i am.

just listened to "hums of lovin spoonful" again.

its not buublegum..

but can understand how it may have informed evolution of buble pop..

i seriously respect your research and thesis..

but as a Brit.. i cant help thinking

you concentrate to much in detail on one strand of bubblegum ..
you clearly have great depth of knowledge
in a n aspect of music history most old f@ckers here
ignore and seriously disrespect..

sory .. i'm too drunk..

but to me bubble is specific historic contained genre

late 60s to earlyu 70s

but the esenc of buble transcend its cronology to inforom

the best of 1977 piop punk and its ill bread misongyny..

[sorry about speling,. an elderly relative died tonight so we got drunk..]

bubblegum is a cronological self contained genre

and compact and perfecty defined

that it is ageless in its trancendently pop perfection..