The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98120   Message #1939145
Posted By: Sttaw Legend
17-Jan-07 - 04:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rugby League
Subject: RE: BS: Rugby League
Old Faithful a club chant of Hull FC rugby league club, was made popular in the early 1930's when Hull had a full back called Joe Oliver. Oliver, who was the team goal kicker, was so dependable with the boot that the crowd at one match spontaneously started singing the Gene Autry song, with slightly altered lyrics, 'Old Faithful' at him. Hull supporters adopted the song as their battle cry from then on.

Old faithful, we roam the range together,
Old Faithful in any kind of weather,
When the round up days are over,
And the boulevard's white with clover,
For you old faithful pal of mine.

Giddy up old fella cos the moon is yellow tonight,
Giddy up old fella cos the moon is mellow & bright,

Theres a coyote crying at the moon above,
Carry me back to the one I love,
And you, old faithful pal of mine.