The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98112   Message #1939596
Posted By: The Sandman
17-Jan-07 - 12:54 PM
Thread Name: Nude Publicity Stunt for festival
Subject: RE: Nude Publicity Stunt for festival
well said ALAN,
a typical peice of newspaper reporting,inaccurate and sensational,this paper spent its time in the 1930,s,recruiting for oswald mosleys blackshirts,.
and during the first world war,whipped up an anti german frenzy,as a result of which my families shop was smashed up,and my grandmother father and uncle, had to hide in a chicken shed at the bottom of the garden,terrified for their lives.
the daily mail were accusing all german immigrants of being spies for the kaiser.
Ruth Archer; folkie Dave,you must learn to question everything you read in any newspaper,even the weather forecast.