The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10661   Message #194022
Posted By: wysiwyg
12-Mar-00 - 08:29 PM
Thread Name: Life's embarrassing moments
Subject: RE: Life's embarrassing moments
I don't know, Jon, I'm beginning to wonder about you. *BG*

OK, today's attempt at achieving embarrassment:

There I am at McDonald's after the concert at our church, with my teen step-daughter, in the drive-through. A young lad in McD garb exits, making his way across our bow to his car. Daughterling doesn't see him, but he sees her choice young self... he's leering, so obvious. She looks over, he stops leering, he is way cool, she is looking at his shirt; asks me, "How come this place has maroon uniforms and my boyfirned's McDonald's (the next town over) has green?"

Neither of us has eaten all day, and we're pretty silly. Doing that girl thing! I'm looking at this boy and suddently he sees me looking and a huge grin breaks out. Dignified Miss Praise/Mrs. Hardiman lets out with, "Hey!! He was butt ugly till he smiled, then he broke my f**in heart!!!"

Of course we were parked AT the ordering microphone, which I realized as our laughter died down. "Oh shit, they couldn't hear THAT could they..." is next out of my neck. "No," comes the reply, "We didn't hear a thing!" There were smiles all around as we arrived at the pickup window. I'm sure the little heartbreaker will hear all about it. Oh, and I'm very well known in this town. It'll get around. Ah, another pedestal toppled, praise God!